Below is a list of funding for which Dr. Lee Stoner and/or Dr. Michelle Meyer were part of since 2016.
Bold indicates a member of the team.
Bold indicates a member of the team.
- R01HL157075-S1 (PI: Meyer). Arterial Stiffness in Mother/Infant Dyads: A Life Course Approach to CVD prevention. 08/2022-07/2025.
- 5P30CA016086-46 (PI: Bates). Cancer Care Quality Training Program (CCQTP) . 08/2022-07/2023.
- R01HL162805A (PI: Stoner). Cardiometabolic disease prevention in college-based young adults: mapping a contextual sedentary behavior intervention. 06/2022-05/2026. Link
- R01HL157187 (PI: Stoner). Sitting Behavior and Whole-body Cardiovascular Health: from Mechanism to Intervention. 03/2022-12/2025. Link
- R15HL159650-01 (PI: Higgins). The Behavioral Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Development in Young Adults. 10/2021-09/2024
- K23MD014767 (PI: Cortes). Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Perimenopausal Latinas: Pilot Study of a Multi-component Intervention. 09/2019-06/2023
- R01HL157075-01 (PI: Meyer, Boggess). Arterial Stiffness in Mother/Infant Dyads: A Life Course Approach to CVD prevention. 08/2021-07/2025
- R01NR017944 (PI: Yeo). Promoting stretching exercise to reduce cardiovascular health risk in late pregnant women with obesity. 08/2019-05/2024
- R01AG062488 (PI: Meyer). Arterial Stiffness and Brain Health in African Americans. 07/2019-04/2023
- R01AG061088 (PI: Meyer). Arterial stiffness, brain morphology, cognition, and dementia in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos. 02/2019-11/2023
- R01AG058702 (PI: Meyer). Reducing the transition from acute to chronic musculoskeletal pain among older adults. 02/2019-11/2023
- R25DK132963(NIDDK. PI: Moore, Gwathmey-Williams). Wake Forest School of Medicine Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (WFSM STEP-UP). 02/2022-03/2027.
- 23PRE1022594 (AHA. PI: Pagan Lassalle). Total: $32,553. Direct: $32,553. Title: Association of perceived discrimination and stress with arterial stiffness in non-Hispanic Black Adults. 01/2023-12/2023.
- CIHR428004 (PI: Daskalopoulous, Site PI: Stoner). early Prediction of pre-eclampsia Using arteriaL Stiffness in high-risk prEgnancies; a multinational study (PULSE). 08/2021-07/2025
- R01AG062488-02S1 (PI: Meyer). Diversity Supplement: Arterial Stiffness and Brain Health in African Americans. 06/2020-05/2022
- 2KR1211907 (PI: Stoner). The effects of mental stress with and without prolonged sitting on whole-body cardiovascular health. 12/2019-12/2020
- P30CA012197 (PI: Moore). Identification of environmental, familial, and individual correlates of cancer-related behaviors in adolescents in the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) Study. 01/2019-06/2019
- R49CE003092 (PI: Marshall). Development of an Emergency Department Patient-Centered Intervention for the Primary Prevention of Long-Term Opioid Use (Project 4). 08/2019-07/2022
- 2KR1081807 (PI: Yeo). Validation of ActiGraph and ActivPal in Assessing Sedentary and Light Activities with Obese Pregnant Women. 12/2018-11/2019
- T35HL134624 (PI: Meyer, Brice). The Intensive Summer Research Training in Emergency Medicine (ISTEM) program. 05/2017-04/2022
- R01AG053938 (PI: Heiss). Changes in Arterial Stiffness, Cognition and Dementia Risk in a Diverse Cohort. 09/2016-11/2021
- R01HL116900 (PI: Loehr). The Race-Specific Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation Measured by 48-Hour Holter. 08/2013-07/2017
- 5T37MD001449 (PI: Williams). Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT) Program. 01/2013-01/2019
- HHSN268201100007C/NHLBI-N01-HC-05269 (PI: Heiss). Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC): Field Center. 11/2010-11/2016
- ASRT (PI: Stanford). Blood Pooling During Prolonged Sitting on Cardiovascular Outcomes. 09/2021-08/2022
- 18AIREA33960360 (PI: Credeur). Targeting the Vasculature for Improved Cardio-metabolic Risk in Spinal Cord Injury. 01/2019-12/2021
- USCOM (PI: Stoner). Validity of aortic pulse wave velocity derived from a brachial oscilometer. 08/2020-12/2021
- SMT Med. (PI: Stoner). EndoCheck Flow-Mediated Slowing validation. 01/2019-12/2019
- Phiten ltd (PI: Rowlands, Stoner). Does Aqua Titan increase lower-limb blood flow and muscle performance in healthy young men and middle-aged people with peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?. 01/2015-01/2017
- ARTERY (PI: Bruno). Covid-19 Effects on Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Aging (CARTESIAN). 05/2020-05/2022
- Wuhan University (PI: Rui L). Understanding the theoretical determinants of physical activity and healthy eating in youth. 12/2018-12/2020
- MBIEUOOX1404 (PI: Dias). Premium Protein: Determining the Functional Potential of Wool-Derived Protein. 10/2014-09/2016
- NZNHF168 (PI: Skidmore). Positive, resilient parents, healthier children? Parental wellbeing and resilience and its relationship with parental and child physical activity, diet and body composition. 08/2014-02/2017
- UNC (PI: Meyer). Plasma markers of neurogeneration in infants from mothers with preeclampsia and mothers with a normal pregnancy as controls. 11/2019-11/2020
- UNC (PI: Meyer). Cardiovascular disease markers during and post-pregnancy in women with and without type 2 diabetes and their infants. 01/2019-06/2019
- UNC (PI: Boggess K). Feasibility of pulse wave velocity in babies. 10/2018-06/2019
- IBM Jnr Faculty (PI: Stoner). Effects of prolonged sitting on cerebral perfusion and executive function. 01/2017-12/2017